Uniformly processed ingredients are distributed from numerous stocking locations in the U.S. and Canada. Manufacturing plants are located in Maywood, New Jersey; Dayton, Ohio; Peterborough and Chatham, Ontario; in the United Kingdom and in the Netherlands. There are sales offices located across the United States, the U.K., the Netherlands, Germany, South America, Africa and the Far East. From all of Malt Products many locations to any customer processing sites, customers can rely on malt and molasses that have the same characteristics, shipment after shipment to all locations. And now that customers can order both malt and molasses from the same company, accountability is narrowed to fewer people. Thus, customers spend their time more efficiently.

By working with these two companies, advantage can be achieved through single source purchasing, efficient deliveries, labor and storage space cost savings, resulting in less paperwork and fresher inventory.

Meura News

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